Monday, September 8, 2008

Imax Laser Show

Me and my fellow compadres met up on the early morning of August 10th to experience the Dark Knight in the Imax theater. To our surprise we were about to encounter witchcraft at its highest degree. We sat with our tub-o-popcorn discussing the awesomeness of the movie we were about to witness, I even remembered stating "It's going to be like staring into Gods Vagina". 5 minutes before the start of the movie we were disorientated by a booming voice that came out of the movie screen, it was like Zeus was talking to us. We sat startled and about to urinate our trousers, trembling with fear with our foreheads and palms perspiring sweat. Then the most terrifying thing happened, lasers started shooting at us from all directions, pinned in our seats and distracted by our popcorn we were not able to move. The moral of this story kids... do not go to Imax its full of witchcraft and sorcery

Just kidding I thought I rant about how unnecessary laser shows are. I thought laser shows faded into cheesy existence in the 80's.


Anonymous said...

I agree that Imax theater is cheesy with the laser shows!

Anonymous said...

Yah, I completely agree. Only once have I been to a movie early enough to see those opening things and I must say that I've never drank fruitopia again... it's clearly the devils fruit.