Monday, September 8, 2008

Popsicles and Magazines Rant

I love popsicles, heck! I'll devour a couple scoops of ice cream any chance I get, nobody can resist creamy delights. The only problem I have is when the treats come together, creating a half Popsicle, half ice cream concoction. Who was the wise guy in marketing that thought of this? "Duh... hey guys I loves popsicles and ice cream, lets put dem two 2gether" I think this treat only satisfies people that like getting punched in the junk repeatedly or people that like fruit on their pizzas. Think about it, would you dip your grape Popsicle into a vat of ice cream? No! You wouldn't! Only a half wit would do that! Or a prego teenager on smack. Fuck interracial popsicle/ice cream treats I hate them all.

I was reading my magazine the other day and decided to read an article I found interesting. I thought I was finished but nope, this fucking magazine told me to turn to page 67 to continue my story! Fuck you magazine! Quit telling me what to do; besides, I am far too lazy to read on or flip pages. And it really peeves me when I decide to go to page 67 and accidentally start reading some other story, which confuses the fuck out of me "Algore did WHAT?!? I thought I was reading about manatees...” On the subject of reading have you ever had one of those friends that read the book before the movie? Most annoying people on the face of the earth. "Oh! The book was WaaaaaaaaaaAaay better!" I just want to say to them "Well you know what’s the best part! In the movie I didn't have to READ!”

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