Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Air Dryers SUCK!

I have no problems using public restrooms. I'm not like those people that are too self-conscious of themselves to take a dump in a public restroom stall. Heck, I've taken pisses in the sinks before when the stalls and urinals were full. Since I have no problems doing that, it's obviously I have no problems taking a dump in public restrooms either. First off, I wanna ask those people why they have problems doing so. It's not like you're taking a dump in front of an audience. I find you people rather amusing because, eventually, you people WILL have to take a dump in a public stall and I find it funny seeing how those kinda people seem to freak out at having to do so. It's also funny seeing people trying to hold it in so they can get home.

Now, while I have no problems using public restrooms, I do have problems with certain kinds of restrooms. The restrooms I can't stand are the ones that use air dryers instead of paper towel dispensers.metimes, I don't even care to wash my hands, not because I'm lazy, but because I

Anyway, when I wash my hands, I wanna be able to dry my hands. The problem is that air dryers suck. Sure, they don't really help me in drying my hands since it usually shuts off before my hands are actually dry but they also suck for other reasons.

I like washing my hands when I see paper towel dispensers. If there are only air dryers around, cleaning my hands has no significance since I have to touch the door handle to open the door to leave the restroom. Guess how nasty that door handle is? I'm sure there are a shitload of people out there that don't wash their hands. If that's the case, touching the door handle to get outta the restroom basically defeats the purpose of cleaning your hands. There are three major places where germs can be found, on the faucet knobs, on the door handles, and on the paper towel dispenser handle.

The faucet knob is filthy because people need to turn the knob after taking a shit or piss to get the water running. The paper towel dispenser handle is dirty because of the people who have dirty hands from using the faucet knobs before using the paper towel dispensers. The door handles are also dirty because there are a lot lazy people out there that don't bother washing their hands anyway before they leave the restroom. Frankly speaking, the bathroom is literally a shithole loaded with germs.

Now, if you have a paper towel dispenser, you can easily get outta the restroom with your hands clean. Before you wash your hands, pull the paper towel handle a few times to have some paper towels ready for use later on. Go wash your hands. Without turning the water off, use the paper towel you have at the ready to turn off the water and pull the lever for some more paper towels. You dry your hands with the with the second paper towel and use it one last time on the handle to open the door that'll let you exit the restroom. There you have it, a surefire way of getting out of a restroom without spreading nasty germs onto your hands.

With air dryers. You can't do this. This is because, without paper towels, there is no real way you can get outta the restroom unless you touch the door handle to open the restroom door. Sure, the door sometimes swing the other way, but it's not always the case. Of course, you have a few options, like using the sleeve of your shirt or waiting for someone to enter the restroom and leave when they open the door, but both of them seem a bit annoying. Using your sleeve to get out means your shirt sleeve will get the germs. While they're not on your body, they might as well be. Waiting for someone to open the door for you is also pretty useless since you have no idea how long you might have to wait.

If we eliminate all the air dryers from all public restrooms and replace them with paper towel dispensers, that means I'll will feel some sense of satisfaction in cleaning my hands since that means they won't get dirty again when I try to leave the restroom.

Now, because I wrote a rant about how to keep clean when using the restroom, people probably think I'm one of those people terrified of germs that suffer from OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Let me assure to you that I am not a neat freak or a suffer from OCD.

Anyways, air dryers suck.


lizzie said...

Great blog. Interesting read. The air dryer should suck, not blow!

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